A sporty sandal perfect for all your adventures.
Sporty and strappy, this flexible sandal moves with you everywhere you go.
Tegua Sandal Dr Scholl's Tegua Sandal Marrom | 6qE3YExa
Island Dream Sandal Dr Scholl's Island Dream Sandal Prateadas | 1FCkyfkm
Down Time Flip Flop Sandal Dr Scholl's Down Time Flip Flop Sandal Roxo | wMr7c7do
Freedom Sandal Dr Scholl's Freedom Sandal Laranja Serpentine | B7SYR64T
Felicity Platform Dress Sandal Dr Scholl's Felicity Plataforma Vestidos Sandal Pretas | g87KC5hE
Adelle Lite Slide Sandal Dr Scholl's Adelle Lite Chinelos Sandal Pretas | FvuDPqZX
Golden Hour Gladiator Sandal Dr Scholl's Golden Hour Gladiator Sandal Cinzentas | TALkrlgh
Island Peace Sandal Dr Scholl's Island Peace Sandal Laranja | cVYK1tG3